Friday 18 September 2015

oreo churros

Now, I know it’s winter, and many of you might be not going to the pier and mabey some were expecting a wintery post. But depression has started in the nel household (because its cold) so i decided to make a summery treat YUM !!!! 
I have some yummy oreoey churros to share with you today. I saw this recipe on facebook and it looked soo good.

What do you need?

For churros:
20 oreos
1 cup water
3tbsp butter
1/4 tsp salt
2tbsp brown sugar
1 cup flour 
2 tbsp oreo crumbs
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 eggs
1tsp vanilla essance

Boil up the water,sugar and butter.
Mix flour, cinnamon and oreo crumbs in a bowl. Add the boiled sugar syrup.and beat till all incorperated.Leave to cool down a bit. In a seperate bowl mix eggs and the vanilla essance together and gradually add into the cooled mixture. Place into the fridge till its ice cold, put into a piping bag. Put on a pot of hot oil. With the piping bag hot it 2 cms from the oil and pipe a straight long line, take sissors and cut off when you think its long enough. Cook for 2 minutes on each side. When the churros are still warm put into the sugar mix and make sure its covered.

For the cream:
1/2 cup whipping (double) cream
Oreo cream filling.

Whip the cream until soft peaks then whip in the cream filling until fully incorperated.

For the sugar coat:
Rest of the oreo crumbs
1/2 cup castor sugar

Mix together in a bowl


Seperating the oreos into seprate bowls.

Cinnamon, flour, salt and crumbs 

Mixing the hot liquid into the flour

Make sure its beaten in well!!

Adding all the eggs and vanilla essance

Mixing the castor sugar and crumbs in a bowl.

Finished xhurros

Cream & churros

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