Wednesday 16 September 2015

melk tert

Ingredients :
50g butter
40g sugar
120g flour
1 egg
5g baking powder

Cream together the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. Beat in the baking powder, flour and egg until it forms a smooth paste. Using a pyrex dish spread the crust along the bottom and edges until all of it is covered. Leave on the side when making the filling.

1,375 ml melk 
60 g flour 
60g corn flour 
4 eggs seperated
25g butter 
250g sugar 

Heat the oven at 180 degrees. Heat 1125ml of the milk over a saucepan bring to the boiling point. In a bowl whisk together the egg yellow, sugar, flour, cornflour and the rest of the milk. Once the milk has been heated pour into the mixture and whisk making sure it all is mixed together And that it has got no lumps in. Pour back into the pan and heat till it becomes a thick like custard. Add the butter and stir till it dissolves. whisking the egg whites till soft peaks form. Fold in the egg whites into the custard until its all folded in. Pour the mixture over the crust up till about 1 cm from the top. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. 

Melt some butter and brush it over the top then sprinkle over the cinnamon.

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