Friday 11 September 2015

melt in the mouth caramel pots

cook: 30 mins
prep: 10 mins
makes: 6 pots

500ml cream
125ml milk
pinch of salt
250g sugar
2 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
400g milk chocolate
5 egg yellows.

1. preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.
2. in a pot, heat the cream, milk and salt till warm
3. mix the sugar and 60 ml water in another pot and heat until the sugar starts to boil, take of the heat and mix in the cream mixture be careful of the hot caramel. stir in the vanilla and chocolate till its smooth and shiny.
4. in a large bowl, mix egg yellows until pale and doubled in size. then fold in the caramel.
5. equally distrabute the mixture into 6 ramekins and place into a ban-marie. cover in foil and cook for 25 minutes. take out of the oven and out of the water and let it cool to room temperature. then wrap up into clingfilm and into the fridge.

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