Saturday 17 January 2015

Peppermint crisp tert

Peppermint crisp tert is a popular dessert in south africa. Its to be enjoyed on a hot day or it always finishes off a nice braai.  Its easy to prepare and very easy to polish of the whole dish in one setting.

Youll need:
2 packs of tennis biscuit 
5 bars of peppermint crisp
2 tins of caramel 
800mls of doubled cream

Prepare the following:
•Whip the cream till soft peaks form.
•Empty the caramel into a bowl, stir to loosen it.
•Break the peppermint crisp bars into  crumbs.


1. Spread a thin layer of caramel on the bottom of your pyrex dish. Cover it with one layer of biscuit 

2. Cover the biscuits with a layer of cream and then cover the cream with the peppermint crisp crumbs 

3. Repeat the following steps until you have a hight you are happy with 
Biscuit - caramel - cream - peppermint crisp crumbs - biscuit ...

End your tart with a very thick layer of peppermint crisp crumbs.

Cover with tinfoil/clingfilm, place it in the fridge for a couple of hours and enjoy !!!

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