Saturday 28 November 2015

Coconut Ice-cream

hello everyone,
so whats the best thing about going out for a curry? trying out everyones curry? the naan bread? or the nice cool soft pallet cleansing ice-cream? so this recipe is inspired by my now favourite curry house the curry mansion in Bedford.

2 cans of 403 ml each coconut milk, refrigerated
1 cup Grade A maple syrup or ¾ cup honey - add the sweetener a little at a time to your taste

  1. Blend coconut milk and your choice of sweetener until thoroughly combined. You can whisk it by hand or blend it in a blender. (If your coconut milk isn't chilled, chill the ice cream mixture until thoroughly cold before freezing.)
  2. Freeze according to instructions for your ice cream maker, this should take 20-30 minutes.

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