Saturday 23 May 2015

NO BAKE Amerula Cream Cheesecake

NO BAKE amarula cream cheesecake

To make: 30-45mins
Set time: 5 hours

200g digestive biscuits 
100g butter
200ml whipping dream
150 ml amarula cream liquer ( if you dont have you can use baileys too)
4 tsp gelatine powder
500g cream cheese 
130g castor sugar


1. using a food processor or a plastic bag and a roller crush the biscuits until a sandy crumb texture. melt the butter and pour over the crushed biscuit and then stir to combine. press the buttery biscuit into a springform pan. place into the fridge to harden the butter.

2. whip the cream until soft peaks.

3. place the liqueur into a small bowl ( heatproof) and sprinkle the gelatine over the top. leave for 3 minutes. follow this by putting a pan of boiling water on the stove and then place the bowl of liqueur on top, stir till the gelatines all dissolved.

4. beat the sugar and cream cheese until light and fluffy.

5. pour the liqueur mixture into the cream cheese and then fold until well- incorportated.

6. fold in the whipped cream. 

7. remove the base from the fridge. pour the mixture onto the crust and smoothen with a spatula.

8. put in the fridge for 5 hours preferably over night and then using a palette knife or knife with hot water slice the cheesecake ( this cuts the cheesecake easily) 

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